Monday, January 14, 2013

Basic Bro Language References

Finding simple examples of Bro language features is somewhat difficult: the scripts that come packaged with Bro are written by experts in the language and are quite idiomatic.

Here are some of the basic Bro language references I've found so far. In upcoming blog posts, I'll show some "Baby Bro" that is even more basic than these examples.

From Ryesecurity by Scott Runnels(@srunnels):
Solving Network Forensic Challenges with Bro, Part 1
Solving Network Forensic Challenges with Bro, Part 2
Solving Network Forensic Challenges with Bro, Part 3
Logging YouTube Titles with Bro

Justin Azoff's (@JustinAzoff) Bro Presentation on Github

The Official Bro Workshop 2011 Pages

The Bro Language Cheat Sheet

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